Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dr. Visits, My Children, and Me

      We have a lot of moving parts in our home.  Something is always happening with someone.  It is never boring, ever.
      This summer has been one of the busiest “doctor” seasons for our family in a long time.  Just about everyone has been to the doctor this summer for something. 
        Initially, these visits, some planned and a lot unplanned, were somewhat of a nuisance for me.  I don’t like doctors as a rule.  I have a hard time trusting them. But I have to be strong for my children, and so it is a stressful situation for me.  I know that a lot of my feelings are totally unfounded.  Maybe my view of doctors has come from my mother’s doctor policy as we were growing up.  My sisters and I could not go to see a doctor unless we were half dead.  No worries, we were all very healthy childrenJ.  It was rare that we ever went to the doctors.  And now, well, for me its part of the weekly routine.
        So, here I was wearing out a path to several medical facilities.  And then it dawned on me, maybe this is not unplanned after all.  Maybe there is something bigger going on here.  Maybe all of these checkups are very intentional.  Maybe there is a greater purpose in it all.
        A week ago, Winston and I were on our way to Wilmington for one of his doctor’s visits.  After I got to the point where I could put the directions down, I began to relax.  He was holding onto his koala bear and chatting with me.  We stopped and had a bagel and juice.  It was turning out to be a nice time.
       On the way to the hospital, I popped in an old cd.  A song came on that I thought just captured how I felt at the time and then I hear from the backseat, “I like this song too Mom.”  And right then and there, it became the theme song for the day.

Fill this void, and emptiness
Shine Your light, on my darkness
Satisfy, and restore my soul
I long for You, make me whole

        We were able to walk hand in hand through the hospital building that day and just enjoy one another’s company.
         Those who have multiple children know the pull that is felt from many different directions.  It is hard to have concentrated one on one time with any of the children on a regular basis.  I am always looking for more time with them.  But my eyes were opened to something.  Through the continual revolving door of doctor visits, God was providing a way for me to be with my children.  God is always efficient – He does so much in just one thing.
          God knew my limitations in making one on one dates with all of my children, and so He made the dates for me! 
           I also found that by concentrating on my children and their individual needs, I was letting go of my own unfounded fears of doctors. And not only letting go of fear of doctors, but fear of driving to faraway places by myself.  I would tell my husband, “I did it!  I drove all by myself.” 
           But most importantly, I could talk with my children all by themselves, about their own fears, and dreams, and thoughts that they carry deep inside their hearts.  Things like why red onions are so delicious and why getting cut open is a scary thing.  And I was able to think about what was deep inside my own heart too and come away knowing that God the Father was with me, listening to me, helping me find my way, and alleviating my fears. 
            It looks like the doctor visits won’t end any time soon, and that is ok.  It’s more than a doctor checkup; it’s a date with a younger person who needs his or her mom all to themselves.    

 ~ Your Fellow Sojourner
Admiring a pig at the fair.

“Come Fill My Heart”
Fill this void, and emptiness 
Shine Your light, on my darkness 
Satisfy, and restore my soul                                                               
I long for You, make me whole 

Come quench thirsting 
Lord I am ready 
Here I am waiting, come fill my heart 
You are the only, one who can fill me 
Here I am waiting, come fill my heart 

My three fire guys.

Come fill my life, I am incomplete 
Let Your love rain down on me 
I need You more, Lord I confess 
More of You, and nothing less 

(Repeat Chorus) 

Come and fill me...I am thirsting... 
For You only...God so Holy... 
Come and fill me...I am thirsting... 
For You only...God so Holy...

By B. David Stevens

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